The Tampa Amateur Radio Club provides a wealth of resources to hams of all skill levels! TARC maintains VHF and UHF repeaters which allow ham radio operators to communicate throughout the Tampa Bay Area. TARC maintains HF radios and antennas available for use which include remote-access capabilities. The clubhouse is available for members to socialize, make on-the-air contacts, experiment with ham radio equipment, and TARC offers monthly testing to individuals wishing to become a newly licensed ham radio operator. TARC is able to provide these resources to the Tampa Bay Community because of the continued support from its members.
Please take the opportunity to become a new member of TARC today and support these resources for the community for years to come!
Get Your Membership!
Follow these steps to get your TARC membership today!
- Register your callsign here
- Once registered, log in and click “Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club”
- Use club call sign W4DUG
- Select the appropriate membership and check out!
(new TARC memberships may be purchased any time of the year; fees are prorated accordingly)