Simulated Exercises/Contests
Throughout the year, ham radio operators conduct simulated exercises where they test their equipment and capabilities. These contests and events serve practical purposes in the event of an emergency, and in some cases, awards can be earned for their accomplishments!

Ham Radio Festivals/Swap Meets
You’ve probably heard of a “ham fest” or ham radio festival. TARC holds its own ham radio festival, named TARCFest, several times per year where you can find a variety of used equipment for sale, snag a bite to eat at the concession stand, and network with other ham radio operators!

Emergency Communications (EmComms)

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a group of amateur radio operators who voluntarily register their equipment and skills to serve in times of public welfare emergencies, particularly natural disasters. The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the head organization of these groups which are locally operated, typically at a county level, by ARRL-appointed emergency coordinators. Click here to check out your local ARES group!

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is a radio service available for official government emergency management organizations. Amateur stations must be registered with a local civil defense organization and operate at the direction of an emergency management official. These amateur stations provide communications with U.S. Government radio stations for RACES communications and may operate when the Amateur Service has been ordered off the air by the President’s war emergency powers. Click here to check out your local RACES group!

SKYWARN® Storm Spotters aid the National Weather Service (NWS) by providing real-time weather reports. These reports are used in warning the public of potentially dangerous weather events which can save lives when seconds count! Click here to learn more from your local NWS office.
(Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.)